The Difference Between Branding & Positioning

Branding and positioning are 2 crucial marketing terms. While they relate to one another, they have significant differences marketers need to understand. Every business should think about how they want to be considered by their target market. Begin by determining which markets to serve. And know the competitors in those markets. Then learn what makes each of those competitors different. Finally, companies should discover how they are perceived in their target markets. In order to change people’s perceptions, they will need to know the difference between branding and positioning. This is more than just Advertising. Positioning Positioning means claiming a [...]

By |2021-12-01T14:24:43+00:0012/01/21|Advertising|

Branding and Positioning

You may hear individuals talk about the need to develop your personal brand, or the need to develop a brand name for your law firm. You may likewise listen to some of us talk about the need to position your firm in the marketplace, or what is called positioning. This can seem puzzling. While not the same thing they are related concepts. The difference between branding and positioning.... Branding Let's start with branding. If you consider your brand name, or you consider the brand name of anything, what comes to mind? Think about any well-known brand, whether a retailer, manufacturer [...]

By |2021-12-01T00:48:47+00:0011/29/21|Advertising|

Personal Injury Attorney Video ROI

Video marketing is all the rage these days. And with good reason, people like to watch video. Yet, many Personal Injury Attorneys are not sure if it is right for them. The idea of creating video can seem daunting. While creating a good video is more expensive than writing a blog it does not have to be as expensive as a national Television commercial. But Personal Injury Attorney video ROI is so strong it should convince any firm involved with advertising to jump in. People like to watch video. Most of us have noticed the increase in the number of [...]

Guaranteed First Page Google Rankings

We all want to be first. The best at what we do. Recognized as a leader. In business, being first means our company will be more profitable. And when we hear an offer for guaranteed first page Google rankings it sounds very attractive. Most of us know that if you are ranked on page 2 or below the chances of a prospect finding us are slim. But are guaranteed first page Google rankings for real? When discussing first page rankings we are talking about the position on a Search Engine Results Page (SERP) that occurs organically. This is not a [...]

By |2021-11-10T13:46:20+00:0011/10/21|Advertising, Google, SEO|

Inbound V Outbound Marketing

You have heard that Google and Facebook are competitors. Corporately, that may be true. They each compete for ad dollars. But smart marketers know both can be used successfully together. Similarly, Inbound and Outbound marketing are portrayed as competitors. They each have their strengths and weaknesses.  In reality, they are two marketing strategies that work very well together. Instead of Inbound v Outbound marketing brands need to think about Inbound And Outbound marketing. Outbound Marketing Outbound marketing is any messaging that is pushed out to an audience. Many consider outbound disruptive because the audience did not ask for it. All [...]

By |2021-11-03T12:34:27+00:0011/03/21|Advertising|

Current Advertising Trends

A year ago we were in the midst of a global pandemic, locked down, awaiting a chaotic presidential election and the hoped for arrival of a vaccine. The past year has certainly been eventful. As marketers we had to adapt to the “new normal” of a changed world, rethinking our strategy, audiences, and delivery. The advertising landscape has evolved rapidly and continues to do so. The following are some of the current advertising trends we have been watching and implementing for our clients. AI and Programmatic Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Programmatic advertising are not new. However, they have become much [...]

By |2021-10-27T13:17:49+00:0010/27/21|Advertising|

The ROI of Video

Video marketing is all the rage these days. And with good reason, people like to watch video. Yet, many marketers are not sure if it is right for them. The idea of creating video can seem daunting. While creating a good video is more expensive than writing a blog it does not have to be as expensive as a national Television commercial. But the ROI of video is so strong it should convince anyone involved with advertising to jump in. People like to watch video. Most of us have noticed the increase in the number of videos on the internet. [...]

By |2021-10-06T14:18:04+00:0010/06/21|Advertising, TV Advertising, Video Marketing|

Why You Need A Media Audit

What is a media audit and why do one? A media audit is the process of determining whether the advertising being bought for your company is achieving your objective and doing so at fair market cost. Media is usually the largest line item in an advertising budget. If it fails to meet your goals or is over-priced it can doom an advertising campaign. Just as you review your finances regularly, you should have a regular media audit. Objective Advertising should start with the end in mind. You need a clear understanding what it is you want to happen. For many [...]

By |2021-06-23T16:35:29+00:0006/23/21|Advertising, Advertising Agency|

Voice Activated Search – It’s Real

Some aspects of Artificial Intelligence seem a little Star Trekky, something that might be feasible on TV but not in real life. But do not treat voice activated search as a surreal fantasy from the future, because it is here now. And voice activated search is real. What seemed like a sci-fi gimmick is now part of everyday life and your business had best be prepared. Voice Activated Search is Growing Data suggests that about 55 million American households will own a smart speaker whether it be Amazon Alexa, Google Home or another brand by 2022. And then of course [...]

By |2021-06-09T15:51:48+00:0006/09/21|Advertising, Digital Advertising, SEO|

Google Ads Work!

When discussing paid search with our clients a number of questions regularly come up about the value of paid search, and in particular, Google paid search. Many people are not sure that Google Ads work. We have attempted to answer the more common questions here. Search Engine Use The first question often asked of us is “Do my customers really use paid search when looking for a product or service”? Two pieces of data from a WebVisible survey answer that: 86% of consumers use the Internet to find a local business 72% of consumers prefer to find information on local [...]

By |2021-06-02T14:36:55+00:0006/02/21|Advertising, Digital Advertising, SEM|
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