The Power of Radio Advertising for Law Firms

Radio advertising can be a powerful tool for personal injury attorneys. It offers a unique way to reach a broad audience with a powerful message. Radio can be highly effective in driving lead generation. If you understand the basics of radio advertising , you can put the power of radio advertising for law firms to work for you. Why Radio Advertising for Law Firms Still Works Hard to believe, but Radio reaches 91% of adults every month, making it a massive platform for reaching potential clients. It is often listened to while people are multitasking, such as driving, which means [...]

Radio Reimagined

Not long ago we discussed how TV advertising has evolved to remain a powerful media for marketers. Well, Radio Advertising has been doing the same. Just as traditional media like Outdoor and TV have become more digital, so has radio. And with digitalization, there are more varied opportunities for radio to become part of a media plan. The new tactical uses of radio is what we call Radio Reimagined. As one of the earliest media forms radio was supposed to be replaced by “talking” movies. Then television and of course music television should have eliminated the need for radio. But [...]

By |2022-10-12T13:06:18+00:0010/12/22|Advertising, Radio Advertising|

How To Buy Radio

Radio is a powerful advertising vehicle for many businesses. Radio reaches over 93% of the population in America. It is popular with people of all ages, reaching at least 90% of all age groups from Gen Z to Boomers to The Silent Generation. And radio is an intimate form of advertising since many people listen alone, i.e. jogging or driving. Because of this, listeners develop strong relationships with their favorite stations, identifying with the music and bonding with on-air personalities. Radio loyalty translates into trust. News delivered via radio was considered the most trusted news medium in the United States [...]

By |2022-05-26T16:28:47+00:0005/26/22|Advertising, Radio Advertising|

Radio – Terrestrial or Streaming

Many of us think of Radio as the media that we listen to in our cars. And Streaming audio is what we listen to on our phone. While there are differences between the two, radio - terrestrial or streaming, are both effective ways to communicate advertising. If you think radio can deliver your message (it probably can), both should be considered. Why Radio With so many advertising options why consider radio in the first place? Every week more Americans tune to AM/FM radio than any other platform. In fact, 93% of Americans 18+ listen to radio. That is more than [...]

Understanding TV and Radio Ratings

Every TV viewer or radio listener has heard about ratings, and how they rise and fall. As a consumer we may wonder if the ratings to our favorite program continue to fall will they take my show off the air? As a marketer we want to know how the growth or decline in ratings for a radio station will affect our advertising.  Ratings impact the cost and effectiveness of our advertising, and also impact the other data we use to create a campaign. Understanding TV and Radio ratings and related data is imperative if we are going to buy them [...]

Radio – The Resilient Media

I recently came across an article that described radio as “resilient”. There has never been a media that has been written off more than radio. Talking movies were supposed to kill radio, they didn’t. With the growth of television radio was thought to be finished. Not. Radio was toast when portable music players like Walkman’s became the rage. Didn’t happen. And surely digital was more than radio could endure. But radio – the resilient media continues. Post Covid Ratings Not surprisingly, during the first six weeks of the pandemic radio ratings dropped dramatically. Drive time listening was impacted the most [...]

By |2020-12-16T16:42:13+00:0012/16/20|Advertising, Radio Advertising|

Radio For Everyone!

Advertisers still ask why radio makes sense in the digital age. There are many reasons. Start with the basics. Every week more Americans tune to AM/FM radio than any other platform. In fact, 93% of Americans 18+ listen to radio. That is more than watch TV, or use a smartphone or computer. Radio is an intimate form of advertising, as many people listen alone in their cars, exercising or commuting to work. Because of this, listeners develop strong relationships with their favorite stations, identifying with the music and bonding with on-air personalities. Radio is a very flexible advertising medium, with [...]

The Right Media Mix

It is very easy to get caught up in the hype of the latest great thing. In the advertising world, the latest great thing is digital. Is Digital Advertising deserving of the attention it is receiving, Yes. However, traditional media is still of great value as well. According to Nielsen, more than 93% of Americans 18 and older listen to radio every week. It is not just about ratings and impressions, but how people consume and remember messaging. We have all met someone who “hears you” or others who “see what you mean”. David Adelman of OCD Media explains “Building [...]

How To Buy Radio Advertising

Most media coverage of advertising today focuses on digital. Whether it is the rise of social media, or the use of mobile in everyday life, the discussion is usually about online opportunities. However, 92% of Americans listen to traditional radio every week. And it still works! If you think radio advertising may be of value to marketing your business, follow the recipe below to develop a successful plan. Demographics Who is the core audience of the product or service you are going to advertise? You should be able to quantify your audience based on age and gender. Do you want [...]

By |2019-05-02T12:58:05+00:0005/01/19|Advertising, Radio Advertising|

Strategic Uses of Streaming Radio

You are looking to advertise your business and think that radio may be a good medium. However, your business is not located in an area where there are strong local radio stations. Or, you live in a metro with big stations but they cover much more geography than your business and are cost prohibitive. Maybe, you have a very specific target and don’t want the broad reach of radio but do want an audio message. There are times that terrestrial radio doesn’t make sense, and that is when streaming radio comes in. Streaming radio from providers like Pandora, Spotify and [...]

By |2018-11-26T21:29:33+00:0003/07/18|Advertising, Radio Advertising|
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