The Revolution In TV Advertising

TV advertising has long been considered the most valuable and consistent advertising vehicle. It may have been the greatest advertising medium ever. So why is there a revolution in TV advertising and how can you benefit? CTV TV advertising was first transmitted over the airwaves and received by antennae on the set. Then came cable, delivering sharper pictures and a greater variety of channels. We now have Connected TV(CTV), TV that can be connected to the internet and access content beyond what is available via the normal offering from a cable provider. In other words, a Smart TV that is [...]

TV Advertising Updates

Anyone involved with TV Advertising knows that ratings are critical to the success of an ad campaign. More viewers equals more potential customers. And while ratings are based on past results, they are usually a good indication of what can be expected in the future. Ratings directly impact the cost of buying advertising on networks and individual programs. Spring is a critical ratings period, and since the season just ended a quick recap of the results. Cable TV Advertising Ratings For the 35th straight month FOX News Network finished as the top-rated basic cable network. In second place once again [...]

By |2019-06-14T19:45:32+00:0006/12/19|Advertising, TV Advertising|

The Right Media Mix

It is very easy to get caught up in the hype of the latest great thing. In the advertising world, the latest great thing is digital. Is Digital Advertising deserving of the attention it is receiving, Yes. However, traditional media is still of great value as well. According to Nielsen, more than 93% of Americans 18 and older listen to radio every week. It is not just about ratings and impressions, but how people consume and remember messaging. We have all met someone who “hears you” or others who “see what you mean”. David Adelman of OCD Media explains “Building [...]

Broadcast TV or Cable – Which Is Right For You?

Sight, Sound and Motion. Still the most powerful selling medium in advertising. But which is right for you? There are several factors to consider when making that choice. The first consideration is the geography your business draws from. Broadcast generally covers an entire market. If your business does not draw from a substantial portion of the market then you may have a lot of waste, and cable will be more cost-effective. If you only do business from a county or two, cable is wiser, in large part because of the way cable is zoned. The second consideration is your target [...]

By |2018-11-26T21:32:39+00:0003/29/18|TV Advertising|

Why Use An Advertising Agency

One of the great things about the computer age is that it makes us feel empowered. We can get information on just about anything and it seems like we can learn how to do everything on the internet. But that doesn’t mean all aspects of business are “Do It Yourself”. And when it comes to advertising, there are considerable advantages to using an agency. First, an agency is media agnostic. An agency does not own media outlets, so they have no vested interest in the media they select. It does not matter if they buy one radio station or another. [...]

By |2018-11-26T21:27:03+00:0002/14/18|Advertising, Radio Advertising, TV Advertising|
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