Google Optimizations

Once you have set up a Google Ads account the next step is boost the results. Optimization is the process of improving or getting the most out of your advertising spend. If you are like most of us, advertising dollars are precious. And you want to use your marketing budget as efficiently as possible. There are a number of strategies for optimizing Google Ads. The following are some of our favorites. Google offers two platforms for paid search, Google Ads and Smart Campaigns. The latter is a fully automated search platform with Google providing all of the optimizations through their [...]

By |2022-09-13T17:56:36+00:0009/13/22|Google, SEM|

Improve Website Bounce Rate

Bounce rate is an indicator that people are not always getting what they want on your website. You can’t please everyone all the time. But, it is important to keep people engaged on your website. Not only does website engagement build your brand, a high bounce rate can negatively impact your SEO. Several factors can affect bounce rate. Some are technical, some are design and others are content related. There are a number of strategies you can adopt to improve website bounce rate. What Is Bounce Rate Google defines bounce rate as “a single-page session to your site”. “In Analytics, [...]

By |2022-08-23T16:11:43+00:0008/23/22|Advertising, Digital Advertising, SEO|

Re-Imagining TV Advertising

For years, we have been hearing that TV advertising is dying. In some reports, already dead. Yet, we believe TV advertising is alive and well, maybe doing better than ever. The reason TV advertising is doing so well is the very reason that people say it is dying, there are so many platforms available with such great targeting. Now it is just a matter of re-imagining TV advertising, not writing it off. The Power of TV TV still has unparalleled reach. It touches more people worldwide than any other content-based media. Currently, more than 120 million American homes have a [...]

By |2022-08-09T15:13:36+00:0008/09/22|Advertising, TV Advertising|

6 Secrets Your Digital Agency Isn’t Sharing

Hiring an advertising agency is a big step for many businesses. This is especially true when hiring a digital agency. There are many different components to digital advertising, search, social, display, video etc. And, there is the technical side to digital starting with website development.  As you go through the process of considering who will help you with this critical task be aware of these 6 secrets your digital agency isn’t sharing. Your Project is Being Outsourced When we hire an agency, we assume that all of the work will be done by that agency. That is not always the [...]

By |2022-07-28T14:13:32+00:0007/28/22|Advertising Agency, Digital Marketing|

Attribution Modeling – How It Works

If you have spent any time in advertising, you are probably familiar with the term “Optimization”, the process of improving advertising results. Logically, improving the process involves reviewing data and drawing conclusions. But how the data is interpreted affects the optimization. Are all clicks created equal or are some more valuable than others? Are site visits driven by TV ads better than social media traffic? That is where attribution modeling comes in. How clicks are valued greatly affects optimization. We explain Attribution modeling and how it works. What is attribution modeling Most paths to purchase are not a straight line. [...]

By |2022-07-14T13:04:52+00:0007/14/22|Advertising|

5 Ways To Save Money On Advertising

Advertising can be critical to a business’s success. For many businesses, there is no way around it, they need to advertise. But it can also be a substantial expense. Finding ways to advertise cost-effectively is important for every company. Even reducing your ad budget by a few percentage points can really improve the bottom line. If you are looking for 5 ways to save money on advertising, consider the following ideas. Inbound Marketing Start by improving your inbound marketing tactics. Inbound marketing is a strategy where you create content or social media tactics that spread brand awareness, and then attract [...]

5 Steps To Build Your Brand

Businesses are always looking for ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Most companies know they should have a brand, but they are not sure what that means and how to do it. Whether you are planning an elaborate advertising campaign or just want an informative website, a brand is essential. The following are 5 steps to build your brand, one that reflects your unique business. What is a Brand Start by learning what a Brand means. “A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies one seller’s good or service as distinct from those [...]

By |2022-06-16T14:43:36+00:0006/16/22|Advertising|

Advertising Acronyms and Jargon

Many businesses have acronyms as part of their lexicon. But the advertising industry revels in new acronyms and terminology, like it is a secret code or an opportunity to show you belong. As digital marketing grows the development of new jargon grows as well. The following are some of the basic and more important advertising acronyms and jargon:   CPM(Cost per Thousand) The cost to reach 1,000 people in the target demo. As an example if an ad cost $500 and reached 1000 people in our target audience then the CPM is $500. Contextual Targeting Selecting audiences based on the [...]

By |2022-06-03T12:55:46+00:0006/03/22|Advertising, Digital Marketing|

How To Buy Radio

Radio is a powerful advertising vehicle for many businesses. Radio reaches over 93% of the population in America. It is popular with people of all ages, reaching at least 90% of all age groups from Gen Z to Boomers to The Silent Generation. And radio is an intimate form of advertising since many people listen alone, i.e. jogging or driving. Because of this, listeners develop strong relationships with their favorite stations, identifying with the music and bonding with on-air personalities. Radio loyalty translates into trust. News delivered via radio was considered the most trusted news medium in the United States [...]

By |2022-05-26T16:28:47+00:0005/26/22|Advertising, Radio Advertising|

Multi-Platform Advertising

There is an old expression which states that a rising tide raises all ships. It is a statement that also applies to a good multi-platform advertising campaign. Mixing media that complement one another will yield results greater than the sum of the parts. We have always found that using Pay-per-Click(PPC) with SEO is a great combination. But what happens when we add in social media advertising and email marketing? Search Engine Optimization Search Engine Optimization or SEO is the process of optimizing your website so that it shows higher on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). You cannot enhance your [...]

By |2022-05-17T20:32:53+00:0005/17/22|Advertising, Digital Advertising|
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