Programmatic Advertising – AI Improves Advertising

Programmatic Advertising is the use of automation in buying and selling of media. Programmatic can apply to anything from display to digital out-of-home to connected television. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) with first and third party data, computers decide which ads to buy and how much to pay for them, often in real time. The advertiser carefully defines their target audience. Marketers can input demographics, behaviors and what they want the prospect to do. Then computers attempt to achieve those goals using data and artificial intelligence(AI). But how does it work? What is Programmatic Advertising In the early days of buying [...]

Facebook or Google? Which One?

The two most popular online advertising sites for the last several years have been Google and Facebook. Each does tens of billions in sales annually. Advertising is the main source of income for their respective companies. Both use an auction style bid process, and both have an ability to target granularly. In the media, they are often portrayed as adversarial, but as a marketer it is not always an “either or” scenario. Google Ads and Facebook have their own strengths and weaknesses, so you can use them separately or together, depending on your objective. Google Ads Google Ads, or paid [...]

Google Analytics For Better Marketing

Analyze this. Google developed analytics to help web developers understand their site’s traffic. For a business owner, it can tell you which of your marketing channels are working and which are not. Properly set-up Google Analytics (GA) can reliably determine the success of both digital marketing and traditional advertising.  Businesses and agencies alike use Google Analytics for Better Marketing. Source/Medium Start with learning what is driving traffic to your website. The Source/Medium report shows how every advertising channel drives traffic to your website. If you are using traditional media in your mix, create unique URL’s for different media so that [...]

By |2021-03-24T15:49:20+00:0003/24/21|Advertising, Digital Marketing, Google|

Transparency In Advertising

Advertising can seem complicated to the untrained marketer. Certainly, many advertising tasks take years of learning and practice to master. But that does not mean you can’t understand the business, how it functions and become an effective advertiser. A key to becoming successful in the field is transparency in advertising. Even if you know little about advertising ask questions and continue to probe. As Steve Jobs said “Stay hungry. Stay foolish. Never let go of your appetite to go after new ideas, new experiences, and new adventures.”  Approach your advertising education in a similar manner. Don’t be afraid to ask [...]

8 Reasons to Use Outdoor Advertising

When considering possible advertising media most advertisers do not immediately think of Outdoor Advertising (also known as Out-of-Home or OOH) for their business. And yet, Outdoor is ubiquitous, touching almost everyone every day. So why should you use Outdoor? Consider the following 8 reasons to use Outdoor Advertising: The Reasons: 1) Outdoor reaches 99% of consumers on a typical day. That is higher than any major advertising medium. 2) Out-of-Home costs less. OOH has the lowest average cost per 1,000 impressions of all major media. 3) According to Nielsen OAAA, Outdoor has the highest ad recall rate. 67% of consumers [...]

Great Website Content

When a potential customer visits your website, they are seeking out information about your business. To convert these prospects into sales, the information on your site needs to build trust in your company and answer their questions about your products or services. Does your website have the content that visitors want to read? Everyone can write great website content with some practice. To assist you in developing the kind of compelling information that will boost sales, here are four questions to ask yourself when creating content for your small business website. What Makes You Special First, answer the question, what [...]

By |2021-03-03T20:04:37+00:0003/03/21|Content Marketing, Digital Advertising, SEO|

Pay Less and Rank Higher on Google Ads

One of the most common misconceptions about Paid Search is that the top positions only go to the top bidder. While Google’s paid search placements are done on an auction basis, rankings are determined on a more sophisticated and egalitarian basis, allowing a smart advertiser to pay less and rank higher on Google. You can do this whether you are using an advertising agency or doing it yourself. Ad Rank Google determines the ad ranking of paid search on 3 criteria, the bid amount, the Quality Score of the advertiser and the expected click-through rate. According to Google, Quality Score [...]

Phone Call Tracking and Why You Need It

Phone call tracking is the process of measuring all the in-bound calls to a business and determining what source drove the call. With the rise of smartphones, people now have the opportunity to see something on the Internet and immediately call for more information, or to place an order. Being able to attribute the marketing channel that drove each call is often the missing piece to the analytics puzzle for many businesses. And as attribution is an essential component of advertising, phone call tracking is an imperative. How Phone Call Tracking Works How does phone tracking software work?  The software [...]

10 Reasons You Should Use Google Ads

We occasionally hear that Google Ads does not work, or that it is too expensive to be worthwhile. Our experience has shown that a properly constructed Ads (Paid Search or SEM) campaign usually provides a positive return on investment. And because it drives consistent quality traffic, Ads deserves consideration for most campaigns. The following are 10 reasons to consider using Google Ads advertising.   Are My Customers Really Using Search Engines to Make Buying Decisions? 86% of consumers use the Internet to find a local business (WebVisible survey) Why Use Google Ads Versus Bing or Yahoo? Google owns 71% of [...]

Google Analytics 4 – New and Improved GA

If you have been reading this blog for any period of time you know that we are big fans of Google Analytics(GA). It is very easy to install and provides a tremendous amount of data on your advertising and website performance. And, of course, it’s free. Because more business is moving online and with changes in privacy and data laws Google has released the new and improved Google Analytics 4. Why Change According to Google changes were needed in Google Analytics because of major shifts in consumer behavior and privacy-driven changes to longtime industry standards. The goal of the update [...]

By |2021-02-03T16:54:26+00:0002/03/21|Advertising, Advertising Agency|
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