Analyze this. Google developed analytics to help web developers understand their site’s traffic. For a business owner, it can tell you which of your marketing channels are working and which are not. Properly set-up Google Analytics (GA) can reliably determine the success of both digital marketing and traditional advertising.  Businesses and agencies alike use Google Analytics for Better Marketing.


Start with learning what is driving traffic to your website. The Source/Medium report shows how every advertising channel drives traffic to your website. If you are using traditional media in your mix, create unique URL’s for different media so that GA can track that channel. You can also create unique email addresses or coupon codes to help differentiate. Most good phone call tracking services link to GA so you can see what media makes the phone ring.

Bounce Rate

Another factor to consider is what is driving traffic away from your site. Not only does GA monitor the channels that people use to visit your site, it also tells you the pages they read most often. But, just as importantly GA lets you know the last page they see before they leave your site. If a particular page seems to be the source of most people leaving (Bouncing) your site, then it is time to reexamine that page. Can the layout of the page use a refresh? Does the page lack compelling content? Look to see if changes to the page keeps people on the site.

Visitor Demographics

Google Analytics also tells you who is visiting your site. Often, a business thinks they know their customers, but GA is a great way to test that knowledge. Not only does GA give you information on age, gender, location and interests of your site visitors, it also tells you what devices they used to come to your site. This may influence future marketing if you see a trend in who visits your site and what they use to get there.

If you would like to know what the most profitable lead sources are for your business then GA is the tool you want to use. If your goal is for people to fill out a form so you can send them a brochure, GA will tell you which ads drove the most form-fills. Selling a product, GA will help you determine the ROI of each lead source, whether it is from a paid search ad or a referring website. Google Analytics will show you the complete path to conversion on your website, so that you can understand what works and what to improve.

G00gle Analytics 4

For anyone interested in using Google Analytics it is important to note that Google has now introduced Google Analytics 4. Because GA4 uses even more artificial intelligence it is able to provide deeper predictive insights, integrate even more seemlessly with Google Ads and have better cross-device measurement capabilities. Reports are now organized around the customer lifecycle. The goal is to allow advertisers to drill down and learn even more about the customer journey.

GA4 has been developed, in part, because cookies are going away. To fill in the data gaps Google is leaning even more heavily on AI to make up the difference. They have not announced specifics yet on how this will be done, but Google suggests that behavioral characteristics will be the focus. You may not want to us GA4 yet. So, install it and let it collect data until you do.

Google Analytics

The best part about Google Analytics? Its free! Your goal is to make every visit to your website enjoyable and profitable. Google has the same goal and provides you the tools to make that happen. By letting you know where your traffic comes from, what drives them to leave, who they are and how they convert on your site, you can make the necessary improvements to your site and marketing. Google Analytics is there, why don’t you use it?