Increase Performance With Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a must-have tool for any business with a website. Every Digital Marketer should install this platform. There are over 40 million users of GA.Whether you collect leads from your site or run a full e-commerce business, Google Analytics(GA) can help increase performance.  Here are some great ways to use this free platform to help your business: Examine Channels Channels refers to the kinds of online traffic that comes to your site. Typical channels will include Organic, Paid, Social, Email etc. The Channels report will provide all of the metrics for each of these broad categories, informing you [...]

By |2019-08-06T22:43:45+00:0008/06/19|Advertising, Digital Advertising, Google|

5 Reasons Google Ads Don’t Work

When we meet with business owners, we often hear that Google Ads “don’t work”. The owners are well meaning, but the reasons their Google Ads don't work ranges from a lack of understanding to the comical. Some of the reasons may sound familiar. Let’s review the most common: Social Media Works, Not Search Most of us are excited by what is new and shiny. Advertising is no different. By digital standards, search is ancient. Search was a hot topic over 10 years ago. Social Media is a great place to advertise. But even Facebook has seen usage start to stagnate [...]

Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working

Written by: Sabrina McEntee Hype Marketing, President   Time and time again, I hear small business owners say: “Marketing just doesn’t work for me.” And I’m sure they’re right. But I think they are missing the fact that marketing can work for them – only if they are willing to put in the upfront time to invest in a strategy. What do I mean by strategy? Quite simply, I’m referring to creating a PLAN that will guide their marketing efforts. I realize that sounds like an easy and simplistic answer, but frankly, that is what is missing for most small business [...]

Facebook Changes For Advertisers

Facebook is making changes that will affect advertisers. The social media giant has announced that it is changing the way Ads appear in its’ Newsfeed. Beginning on August 19, the number of visible lines of text will drop from seven to three. The idea is to make this easier on mobile readers and those trying to reach them. Facebook Newsfeed On the Facebook Business Blog the social network announced the changes so that advertising will "match the look and feel of the new Facebook design introduced earlier this year". The changes will align with the updated Facebook app, FB5, which was announced previously [...]

8 Crucial Elements of A Modern Website Design

This blog was written by Jeff Hecht of ClikzDigital. You can learn more about Modern Website Design go to: Having a modern, up-to-date website design is a relative phrase. Some might think a website designed in 2012 is modern, while others with all of the changes in website design we have seen just in the past year believe that anything pre-2018 is already outdated. A modern website doesn't necessarily benefit from lots of bells and whistles. A clean, simple site can, in many cases improve the user experience. And the user experience is critical for Conversions and to your [...]

By |2019-06-23T17:50:51+00:0006/23/19|Advertising, Advertising Agency, Google, SEO|

What Google Analytics Can Do For You

Google Analytics (GA) is an outstanding analytics platform that gives insight into how people find and use your website. According to Ellen Smolko of Foresight Performance “Google Analytics is probably the best free tool available for helping you decide how to convert your visitors to leads or even sales and improve the quality of your Calls to Action (CTAs).”  Anyone with a website should have GA, but if you advertise digitally, it is a must. The value of Google Analytics is not just for advertising, it helps smart marketers make informed decisions on many levels. Demographics We often talk about [...]

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