Is Artificial Intelligence Taking Over Advertising?

Technology is advancing at breakneck speed and with it changes in advertising are rapidly evolving. While we have seen Search and Social media become major components of the advertising ecosystem where does Artificial Intelligence(AI) fit in? Is Artificial Intelligence really taking over Advertising? You would be surprised. Last year Lexus revealed that they had released a TV commercial that was entirely scripted by AI. Partnering with IBM and Watson, Lexus fed the computer numerous data points including the winning commercials for the last 15 Cannes Golden Lions and 10 years of the best “luxury” commercials. A gimmick, sure! But it [...]

Increase Performance With Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a must-have tool for any business with a website. Every Digital Marketer should install this platform. There are over 40 million users of GA.Whether you collect leads from your site or run a full e-commerce business, Google Analytics(GA) can help increase performance.  Here are some great ways to use this free platform to help your business: Examine Channels Channels refers to the kinds of online traffic that comes to your site. Typical channels will include Organic, Paid, Social, Email etc. The Channels report will provide all of the metrics for each of these broad categories, informing you [...]

By |2019-08-06T22:43:45+00:0008/06/19|Advertising, Digital Advertising, Google|

5 Reasons Google Ads Don’t Work

When we meet with business owners, we often hear that Google Ads “don’t work”. The owners are well meaning, but the reasons their Google Ads don't work ranges from a lack of understanding to the comical. Some of the reasons may sound familiar. Let’s review the most common: Social Media Works, Not Search Most of us are excited by what is new and shiny. Advertising is no different. By digital standards, search is ancient. Search was a hot topic over 10 years ago. Social Media is a great place to advertise. But even Facebook has seen usage start to stagnate [...]

Why Your Marketing Isn’t Working

Written by: Sabrina McEntee Hype Marketing, President   Time and time again, I hear small business owners say: “Marketing just doesn’t work for me.” And I’m sure they’re right. But I think they are missing the fact that marketing can work for them – only if they are willing to put in the upfront time to invest in a strategy. What do I mean by strategy? Quite simply, I’m referring to creating a PLAN that will guide their marketing efforts. I realize that sounds like an easy and simplistic answer, but frankly, that is what is missing for most small business [...]

Facebook Changes For Advertisers

Facebook is making changes that will affect advertisers. The social media giant has announced that it is changing the way Ads appear in its’ Newsfeed. Beginning on August 19, the number of visible lines of text will drop from seven to three. The idea is to make this easier on mobile readers and those trying to reach them. Facebook Newsfeed On the Facebook Business Blog the social network announced the changes so that advertising will "match the look and feel of the new Facebook design introduced earlier this year". The changes will align with the updated Facebook app, FB5, which was announced previously [...]

Why PR and How To Get Started

Many business owners are confused about PR and why it should be part of their marketing. For many, public relations is a luxury. But properly crafted PR can help build a brand. According to Hubspot, PR involves the cultivation of “a positive reputation with the public through various unpaid or earned communications, including traditional media, social media, and in-person engagements.”  To get some PR insights we turned to David Grant of Grant PR and Rachel Anteman of Saygency. “Unpaid” and “earned” distinguish PR from Advertising” says PR veteran Antman.  “The overarching objectives of the two practices are similar – to [...]

What Google Analytics Can Do For You

Google Analytics (GA) is an outstanding analytics platform that gives insight into how people find and use your website. According to Ellen Smolko of Foresight Performance “Google Analytics is probably the best free tool available for helping you decide how to convert your visitors to leads or even sales and improve the quality of your Calls to Action (CTAs).”  Anyone with a website should have GA, but if you advertise digitally, it is a must. The value of Google Analytics is not just for advertising, it helps smart marketers make informed decisions on many levels. Demographics We often talk about [...]

The Right Media Mix

It is very easy to get caught up in the hype of the latest great thing. In the advertising world, the latest great thing is digital. Is Digital Advertising deserving of the attention it is receiving, Yes. However, traditional media is still of great value as well. According to Nielsen, more than 93% of Americans 18 and older listen to radio every week. It is not just about ratings and impressions, but how people consume and remember messaging. We have all met someone who “hears you” or others who “see what you mean”. David Adelman of OCD Media explains “Building [...]

Links, Links and More Links

Spend 20 minutes reading on the Internet  and chances are you will come across a dozen links. A link is code that directs you to another site when clicked. Links are the footnotes and currency of the Internet, allowing readers to know where content came from and helping to rank websites. In other words, links play an important role in SEO. A better understanding of links and how to build them will absolutely increase your SEO rankings. Google has confirmed that high quality content and links are 2 of the 3 most important factors in organic rankings. Google wants each search [...]

Video Marketing – How To Get Started

It was not too long ago that Video Marketing meant TV advertising. Things have changed in a hurry. Only 2 years ago YouTube reported that it averaged a billion hours of viewing every day. Facebook now sees over 8 billion videos viewed every day. Part of the attraction of video marketing is that unlike TV advertising, it does not require as large a budget for production or media. Video has gone from being a fun way to entertain (cat videos anyone?) to a key component of many marketing plans. If video marketing seems too time-consuming for you, hire an Advertising [...]

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