Six Common Advertising Mistakes

The advertising world gets more complicated by the day. New media becomes available regularly. People gravitate from one social platform to another. Yes, even pandemics confuse the situation. However, if you are going to market your business there are certain basics you should follow. If you avoid these six common advertising mistakes your chances of success will increase greatly. Campaigns Not Ads Advertising is not a one-off. Do not begin advertising thinking you will create an ad and be successful. Advertising takes time and planning. Think in terms of advertising campaigns. Begin by understanding your customers’ sales cycle. How do [...]

By |2020-10-21T17:13:35+00:0010/21/20|Advertising, Advertising Agency|

You Need Market Segmentation

Most businesses understand that trying to advertise to everyone is a waste of time and money. Instead they try and identify their target audience to narrow their focus. Experienced marketers know that even that is not enough. If they are able to identify particular groups within their target audience, then they can customize their message and deliver it at the optimum time for maximum effect. That is why you need market segmentation. A restaurant owner might segment her audience into three groups, those who dine in, those who take out and those who dine at similar restaurants but not hers. [...]

By |2020-10-14T23:43:19+00:0010/14/20|Advertising, Advertising Agency|

Choosing Search or Display

When starting a digital marketing campaign, the question often arises, search or display? Choosing incorrectly can be an expensive mistake. Both search and display are important components of online advertising. But which one is better and how do you choose? Understanding how each works is the first step in selecting the right ad format. When we think of search most of us think of Google. They are far and away the largest search engine. One way to utilize search is by optimizing your website to show better organically. In some cases that is sufficient. But if you are in a [...]

By |2020-10-07T16:25:32+00:0010/07/20|Advertising, Digital Marketing, SEM|

What is Your PR Team Talking About? Parlez-Vous PRench?

By Rachel Antman Saygency   Public relations professionals often advise clients to avoid using jargon when they address or speak to people outside their industry.  Yet we don’t always follow our own advice.  I, for one, am guilty of using PR-speak, which I’ll call PRench, when I’m talking to people less familiar with the world of PR.  To assuage my guilt, I’m taking this opportunity to “translate” a few terms: Terms Pitch:  This “inside baseball” word has nothing to do with baseball. We define pitches as story ideas that we propose to the media. Source:  A person who can offer [...]

By |2020-09-30T15:43:25+00:0009/30/20|Advertising, General|

Combining Inbound and Outbound Marketing

A topic of hot debate these days is whether you should use inbound of outbound marketing for your Lead Generation. For those of us in marketing you know that we love to throw around buzz words. That should not be a surprise from a profession that gets people to buy things based on language. In this case, it is more than jargon. Both are legitimate strategies for Lead Generation. Which should you choose? How about combining Inbound and Outbound marketing to maximize results. Outbound Marketing What are Inbound and Outbound marketing anyway? Outbound marketing is what was called “marketing” or [...]

Google Quality Score and Your Landing Page

When buying traditional advertising the marketer knows exactly what the cost is and where/when the ad will be seen. That makes using Google paid search (SEM) a challenge for some, because you don’t know when the ad will show or exactly what it will cost. The reason for the price variance is due to Google Quality Scores and Ad Rank. Google Quality Score and your landing page are directly related. The good news is that Quality Score is easily improved. What Is Google Quality Score Google is in the business of giving people what they want. When a person uses [...]

By |2020-09-10T00:10:48+00:0009/10/20|Advertising, Google, SEM|

Build Your Growth Mindset

During uncertain times a normal human reaction is to pull in the reins and wait out the situation. During the current pandemic with so many differing opinions as to how things will play out the strategy of hunkering down seems quite logical. But, if you want your company to emerge from this period stronger and more profitable, then build your growth mindset instead. Companies that rebound quickest from recession are those that plan and act with the now and the future in mind. Fixed Mindset The idea of a Fixed Mindset versus a Growth Mindset was advanced by noted psychologist [...]

By |2020-09-02T14:50:36+00:0009/02/20|Advertising|

Do It Yourself Advertising

I recently noticed some tree branches around my yard that needed trimming. So I borrowed one neighbor’s fifteen foot step ladder and another’s pole saw and set to work. After a few hours I had made some improvements. But it was also clear that to do the job correctly I had neither the necessary tools nor knowledge. It was time to call in the experts. With sales and budgets being impacted by Covid-19 many business owners are exploring doing  advertising on their own. That begs the question of whether do it yourself advertising is feasible, and does it make sense [...]

By |2020-08-12T16:11:46+00:0008/12/20|Advertising, Advertising Agency|

Convergence And What It Means For You

What is convergence and why should you care? Many of us have watched streaming programming on our TV, tablet or smartphone. Others of us have listened to streaming music, whether through a platform such as Spotify or Pandora, or our favorite terrestrial station. The place where traditional advertising and the Internet come together, and blend is convergence. Convergence is the blurring of the line between traditional and digital advertising. Let’s explore convergence and what it means for you. What Is Convergence In theory, convergence means that the “blend” of digital and traditional will form one new entity. As we know [...]

Google Ads Throughout The Sales Funnel

Google Ads can be a powerful tool for building sales. But, is it best for upper funnel action, mid-funnel or bottom of the funnel? Well, the answer is all three. You can and should use Google Ads throughout the sales funnel. Properly constructed, Google Ads are effective at attracting new site visitors, nurturing mid-funnel prospects and closing interested consumers. Mapping A great way to start with a sales funnel is by mapping the current path to conversion for your business. By reviewing Google Analytics, you can get a picture of how people first come to learn about your product or [...]

By |2020-07-22T16:02:18+00:0007/22/20|Advertising, Advertising Agency, Google, SEM|
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