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So far John Sadowski has created 193 blog entries.

Programmatic Advertising For Everyone

When executing an advertising plan the single largest expense is usually media. Often, the media budget dwarfs the spend on strategy, creative etc. And if the media does not hit the target audience at the right time and with enough frequency then the best creative in the world will not save the advertising campaign. Today, a large portion of the media is digital marketing, which usually means programmatic advertising. Programmatic advertising has changed digital marketing success rates and gets better every day.  But what is programmatic and is programmatic advertising for everyone? What is Programmatic? Programmatic advertising is the use [...]

Conversion Optimization Thru Phone Calls

Optimizations, the process of improving advertising efficiency, are usually made based on data from advertising dashboards on Facebook or Google Ads, or from an attribution platform such as Google Analytics. But for many businesses, the phone is a major conversion tool. In some service industries more than 50% of conversions are made via phone. That is a substantial opportunity. By using a quality call tracking solution, you can perform sophisticated conversion optimization thru phone call results. Smartphone Usage The landline is a dying entity in American homes. Homes without a landline in the US outnumber those that do have a [...]

Radio – Terrestrial or Streaming

Many of us think of Radio as the media that we listen to in our cars. And Streaming audio is what we listen to on our phone. While there are differences between the two, radio - terrestrial or streaming, are both effective ways to communicate advertising. If you think radio can deliver your message (it probably can), both should be considered. Why Radio With so many advertising options why consider radio in the first place? Every week more Americans tune to AM/FM radio than any other platform. In fact, 93% of Americans 18+ listen to radio. That is more than [...]

Your About Page

For many businesses the “About” page is an afterthought. Why would people want to read about our company? Because many of us are modest, or don’t think we have compelling information, it is something of a chore we rush through. And, most of us really think about our website in terms of SEO, or how it will rank. However, the About page is often one of the most important pages on a business website. Let’s discuss your About page and how to make it contribute to your company’s success. Why An About Page Think about the times when you would [...]

Outdoor Advertising Options

Outdoor advertising—or as it’s often called, out of home (OOH)—is every place and platform outdoors where we see paid ads. There are various kinds of outdoor advertising formats and different reasons to use them. You will learn in this article that there are many Outdoor Advertising options.   Billboards – the granddaddy of outdoor advertising Everyone is familiar with and grew up with billboards, the original OOH format. These increased in popularity with the automobile age, with businesses advertising roadside stands, restaurants, shops, and lodging along America’s highways. In essence, they are giant posters, visible from a distance as cars [...]

Do Impressions Matter

When we first began Digital Marketing, impressions were everything. For almost the first two decades of digital advertising impressions were the gold standard, with clicks and click-through-rates right behind. But as digital advertising has become more sophisticated marketers are looking for KPI’s that are closer to the outcome they need. It begs the question, do impressions matter? Traditional Advertising Measurement For years media was measured by estimates of how many people read a publication based on circulation rates and what we perceived were “pass-along” rates. The number of people who read a single issue. (think People Magazine in the doctor’s [...]

By |2022-01-12T14:13:12+00:0001/12/22|Digital Advertising, Digital Marketing|

Trends in Digital Advertising

Digital marketing continues to evolve, and 2022 will be no exception when it comes to changing advertising trends. Digital ad spend is growing tremendously and will continue to do so. Banner ads, social media ad campaigns, video ads, and pay-per-click advertising are all part of the digital advertising landscape—a field that grows more crowded by the day. Of note is that global ad spending declined in 2020 by 4.2% to $569 billion. Out of that, traditional media (print, broadcast) was $233 billion, an 18% drop from 2019. But digital media spend grew by 8% to $336 billion. Digital also had [...]

Why Your Business Needs Paid Search

Organic search is when consumers type search terms into their browser and the search engines present websites (pages and pages of them) they deem relevant to your search query and other ranking factors. Unless someone types your company’s name or URL into the search bar, they’re going to get countless results related to your search. That is why your business needs paid search. What Is Paid Search Paid search, or search engine marketing (SEM), is part of your company’s advertising budget and yields much different results. You’ve likely heard this referred to as “pay-per-click” (PPC) ad. These search engine ads [...]

By |2021-12-21T17:16:59+00:0012/21/21|Google, SEM|

You Don’t Need An Advertising Agency

In today’s internet world we can find just about everything online. If you want to learn the first place you go is the Internet. It is the ultimate Do-It-Yourself tool. You can learn to do anything on the Internet, from repairing household appliances to building an atomic bomb (ok, not totally sure on that one). So, why use an Advertising Agency? Because if growing a business is your top priority, using the best services should be a no-brainer. Save Money The most common reason for businesses to keep advertising responsibilities in-house is to save money. Many times, that math doesn’t [...]

By |2021-12-22T00:21:38+00:0012/21/21|Advertising, Advertising Agency|

Reach And Frequency In Advertising

Reach and Frequency are the most basic of advertising principles, and the most overlooked. Reach refers to the number of people who are touched by a message. Frequency refers to how often they are exposed to the message. Ideally, both numbers would be maximized, but as everyone has a budget those numbers need to be managed for optimal effectiveness. Whether we're managing a TV ad buy or Google Ads campaign, we always pay close attention to reach and frequency. Reach Reach refers to a specific target. The target is defined by the geography and demographics needed by the advertiser. An [...]

By |2021-12-07T17:07:04+00:0012/07/21|Advertising|
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