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So far John Sadowski has created 169 blog entries.

Outdoor Advertising in the 21st Century

For many years, Outdoor or Out-of-Home advertising measurement and metrics were left in the Dark Ages. TV and Radio introduced Personal People Meters (PPL’s) to accurately assess who watched or listened to a program. Digital then went a step further and overlayed first party data with third party data, to serve and measure ads granularly. In the meantime, Outdoor only had estimates. That has changed dramatically. Many of us remember the thin black rubber hoses pulled across highways that we crossed as we sped from one place to another. Those were Department of Transportation (DOT) counters used to estimate traffic. [...]

By |2022-05-10T18:30:06+00:0005/10/22|Advertising, Outdoor Advertising|

Become A Thought Leader

The term “Thought Leader” has become such a popular buzzword that it is almost cliché. But thought leadership is real and a proven tactic for marketing your business. The title is not given out formally but earned over time. This is not a way to quickly grow your business. Paid advertising will lift your company much faster. However, people and companies who are considered thought leaders will find consistent growth much easier to attain. We generally consider thought leaders to be people who, based on their knowledge and experience in an industry, offer unique guidance, inspire innovation and influence others. [...]

By |2022-04-26T23:04:03+00:0004/26/22|Content Marketing|

6 Cost-Effective Ways To Market Your Business

You do not have to spend a ton of money to market your company. There are a number of cost-effective ways to market your business. Paid media can give you a boost in visibility. But, with the growth of digital advertising there are many channels that allow a firm to self-promote. By making use of these resources on a consistent basis, you can generate greater awareness about your company and increase your overall conversion rates. See which of these make the most sense for you. Social Media You can drive more traffic to your website by staying active on your [...]

By |2022-04-19T22:37:36+00:0004/19/22|Advertising, Content Marketing|

7 Link Building Strategies

Link building is one of the most important components of a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy but also one that can be challenging. Backlinks are hyperlinks on the Internet that direct traffic to a website. Google’s goal is to direct search queries to the sites most likely to answer the question that was posed. Backlinks indicate to Google that others value the information on your site. Google considers backlinks in its PageRank, the algorithm that drives Google Search. The greater the number and quality of backlinks, the higher your site will rank. The following are 7 proven link building strategies: [...]

How To Hire An Advertising Agency

A business owner who is not sure they want to handle their own advertising should consider hiring an Advertising Agency. Some reasons to hire an agency may include a plateau in business or an increase in competition. The complexity of modern advertising may be too much to keep up with. Perhaps your                          messaging sounds the same as the competition and needs a new approach. But which agency should a business owner hire? Questions Before You Hire Before retaining an agency start with an understanding of your needs. Are [...]

Build The Perfect Landing Page

Many a digital marketer has put in hours of time identifying their target audience, creating ads or content to entice that audience, and then seen their efforts fail. Most of the time the assumption is that there was a problem with the advertising. The targeting was wrong, or the ad conveyed the wrong message. Quite often the real culprit is the Landing Page. A good landing page converts, a bad landing page will undermine even the smartest advertising effort. So, to improve results, attempt to build the perfect landing page. Design For the Perfect Landing Page When designing a landing [...]

Programmatic Advertising For Everyone

When executing an advertising plan the single largest expense is usually media. Often, the media budget dwarfs the spend on strategy, creative etc. And if the media does not hit the target audience at the right time and with enough frequency then the best creative in the world will not save the advertising campaign. Today, a large portion of the media is digital marketing, which usually means programmatic advertising. Programmatic advertising has changed digital marketing success rates and gets better every day.  But what is programmatic and is programmatic advertising for everyone? What is Programmatic? Programmatic advertising is the use [...]

Conversion Optimization Thru Phone Calls

Optimizations, the process of improving advertising efficiency, are usually made based on data from advertising dashboards on Facebook or Google Ads, or from an attribution platform such as Google Analytics. But for many businesses, the phone is a major conversion tool. In some service industries more than 50% of conversions are made via phone. That is a substantial opportunity. By using a quality call tracking solution, you can perform sophisticated conversion optimization thru phone call results. Smartphone Usage The landline is a dying entity in American homes. Homes without a landline in the US outnumber those that do have a [...]

Radio – Terrestrial or Streaming

Many of us think of Radio as the media that we listen to in our cars. And Streaming audio is what we listen to on our phone. While there are differences between the two, radio - terrestrial or streaming, are both effective ways to communicate advertising. If you think radio can deliver your message (it probably can), both should be considered. Why Radio With so many advertising options why consider radio in the first place? Every week more Americans tune to AM/FM radio than any other platform. In fact, 93% of Americans 18+ listen to radio. That is more than [...]

Your About Page

For many businesses the “About” page is an afterthought. Why would people want to read about our company? Because many of us are modest, or don’t think we have compelling information, it is something of a chore we rush through. And, most of us really think about our website in terms of SEO, or how it will rank. However, the About page is often one of the most important pages on a business website. Let’s discuss your About page and how to make it contribute to your company’s success. Why An About Page Think about the times when you would [...]

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