Advertising is not a “set it and forget it” exercise. Whether the advertising is digital or traditional it should be reviewed regularly. When constructing an ad campaign, we usually begin with “big picture” concepts such as the objective and strategy. The review process is often the reverse. Start with the details and work backwards towards the objective to see if everything still aligns. Some advertising platforms require more regular review, and Google is one of them. We recommend 4 steps to review your Google Ads.

There are no warning lights or sirens when advertising is not working correctly. Without regular review performance can erode and money be lost. It is far easier and less expensive to make small improvements as needed than overhaul a campaign that has been neglected.


Begin you Google Ads review by examining all of your keywords. How many of them are Broad Match. While Google suggests that Broad Match keywords are fine Phrase Match and Exact Match are better. More precise matches improve quality scores and save money on each click. They also save money that might be spent on clicks from irrelevant searches. If you do use broad match keywords check on negative keywords to reduce irrelevant clicks.

Take a look at your Ad Groups. Each ad group should have no more than eight keywords. Larger ad groups should be split in two. Tightly bunched keywords in ad groups keep up the quality score and reduce cost-per-clicks.

Google Ads

Move from keywords to ads. Make sure you are running multiple ads for every ad group. Google is making it more challenging to include expanded text ads but you still can. Do not rely just on responsive search ads. Running several ads will allow for better testing. Incorporate success from text ads into responsive ads. Through testing you find the best converting ads.

Review each ad to make sure they include all available ad extensions. Ads with extensions get higher click-through rates. And, since Google now ties Quality Score to ad extension click-throughs it can improve ad rank. All ad copy should match the keywords in your ad group. Use as many keywords as possible while making the copy natural.

Landing Pages

With keyword examination completed evaluate your landing pages. It is generally a bad idea to make your homepage the landing page of search ads. Homepages tend to be too general. Landing pages should be very specific and directly correlate to the search.

Best practice is for the Landers to contain the keywords and copy from the ad group that drives searches. When Google sees a congruence between keywords, ads and landing pages quality scores increase, which can save money.

A landing page should only speak to one product or service. Don’t confuse the prospect with multiple topics on a landing page. Keep pages laser focused so customers stay focused as well. Creating distractions lowers conversion rates.

Conversion Tracking

Finally, review your conversion tracking. Most advertisers use Google Ads to generate some kind of conversion action. If it is possible for a prospect to fill out a form on your website make sure that a tracking pixel has been installed. Similarly, if customers can call you have phone call tracking in place and working. For advertisers with an e-commerce component track revenue from all sales coming from search. Extensions will also increase conversions, and they need to be tracked as well.

4 Steps To Review Google Ads

Perform these 4 steps to review Google Ads regularly. When more than one person is working on campaigns it is even more important to schedule a regular walk-through. Even if you are the only person on the account checking all parts of an ad schedule regularly is good practice. If your Google Ads account needs a thorough review click the link at the bottom of the email and schedule a call.